Featured Video


The Pit River Tribe works with IERC’s Dr. Wengert to help conserve pronghorn antelope and sustainably manage their lands.

This is a recent video by Biographic / California Academy of Sciences on the story behind historical and current conservation efforts for the Fisher.


TED Talk

The debate over marijuana legalization is often seen as a law enforcement, medical or personal rights issues, but rarely as an issue of conservation. In this talk, Dr. Mourad Gabriel describes how illegal marijuana cultivation has had serious impacts to endangered wildlife in remote areas of Yosemite National Park. (2016)

United States Fish and Wildlife video highlighting IERC Dr. Gabriel’s work on environmental toxicology.

California Department of Fish and Wildlife Invited Lecture Series where Dr. Gabriel of IERC discusses his work on environmental toxicology and the impacts of marijuana cultivation on California’s remote forest lands.


Canary in the Cannabis Field: How the Fisher Illuminated the Conservation Concerns from Cannabis Cultivation on California’s Forest Lands – June 23, 2017. Presented by Dr. Mourad Gabriel




Mother Jones Magazine highlights the negative impacts of illegal cannabis cultivation on Western Public Lands through interviews with IERC scientists discussing chemical use, trash, and water diversions.

Other Materials


Informational booklet for those interested in Gross Necropsy Techniques for Animals Written by: King, Dodd, and Newson